Do Super Bowl Ads Work?
NBC 7’s Consumer Bob interviews BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic about whether Super Bowl ads actually result in an uptick in sales: Do Super Bowl Ads Work? NBC7 San...
Barbie Breaks the Mold With Ethnically Diverse Dolls
BottomLine's Miro Copic comments on the evolution of Barbie in this LA Times article: Barbie breaks the mold with ethnically diverse dolls by Shan Li - LA Times -...
Costs of Super Bowl Tickets/Ads
BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic discusses the high price of Super Bowl tickets and Super Bowl advertising with KOGO's Ernie Brown. 600 KOGO News Radio -...
Don’t Judge a House by Its Street Name
In this Wall Street Journal article, BottomLine's Miro Copic speculates on the possible marketing reasons why architectural street names may not correlate to the house values found on those streets: Don’t Judge a House by Its Street Name By Leigh Kamping-Carder -...
SeaWorld Files Lawsuit Against Coastal Commission
600 KOGO News Radio's Morning News program interviewed BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic regarding SeaWorld's decision to file suit against the California Coastal Commission over their ruling to end the orca breeding program. SeaWorld Files Lawsuit Against Coastal...
San Diego Grocery Store Trends in 2016
Consumer Bob and BottomLine Marketing Principal, Miro Copic, discuss the grocery store market in San Diego; what lead to Haggen's failed entry into area and what it all means for...