Our BottomLine? Bolts Can Supercharge the San Diego Economy.
San Diego Chargers wins bring better business for local restaurants, vendors - BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic gives his perspective in the following news segment. Tuesday, January 7, 2014 News10, KGTV San Diego...
BottomLine Marketing Comments on SeaWorld’s Defensive Ad Strategy
SeaWorld runs ads in newspapers, sets up website after performers cancel due to 'Blackfish' film backlash News10, KGTV - San Diego (Friday, December 20, 2013)
BottomLine Marketing News Commentary on Post-Christmas Sales and the Crackdown on Holiday Returns
BottomLine Marketing’s Miro Copic comments on post-Christmas sales and the developing retailer crackdown on holiday gift returns in the following 3 news segments: Holiday Returns Getting Harder Monday, December 16, 2013 NBC 7/39 - San Diego Many Unhappy Returns...
BottomLine News Commentary on “Black Friday Fatigue”
BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic comments on the "Black Friday fatigue" brought on by the new holiday sale landscape in the following 3 news segments: Will San Diegans Spend Cyber Monday Shopping? Monday, December 2, 2013 KPBS By Patty Lane, Peggy Pico, Alison St...
More Media Commentary from BottomLine’s Miro Copic on this year’s Holiday/Thanksgivingukkah Shopping Season
11/29/2013 Investor's Business Daily-Text Thanksgiving Sales Surge At Black Friday's Expense 11/29/2013 KUSI - San Diego-Video Black Friday's Impact on the Economy 11/27/2013 San Diego Daily Transcript -Text Black Friday Invades Turkey Thursday 11/22/2013 KPBS -...
The New Face of Toy Success
Two new doll lines, debuting just in time for the holidays, are looking to give toy giant Mattel (MAT_), which owns Barbie, American Girl and the successful Monster High brands, among others, a bit of a rattle this holiday season. Read comments from BottomLine's...