10 News- Miro Copic Comments on the Sea World Trainer Controversy
KGTV: abc 10 News 11/11/13
BottomLine’s Miro Copic Comments on Black Friday Backlash
The biggest shopping day of the year is starting earlier than ever before. But some customers aren’t happy that Christmas shopping will begin before Thanksgiving is even over. NBC 7’s Consumer Bob spoke to BottomLine Marketing's Miro Copic about the backlash stores...
U-T Offers Twist on Rewards Program (with commentary from BLM’s Miro Copic)
U-T San Diego has launched a new merchant loyalty program, aimed at providing local businesses with a battery of advertising they will pay for only if it brings them customers. Analysts say U-T Rewards has some good things going for it, but it faces stiff...
Should SeaWorld Refute Critical Documentary?
SeaWorld, which has been fighting to return its killer whale trainers to the water during Shamu shows, is now battling on another front: trying to discredit a film critical of keeping orcas in captivity. BottomLine founder, Miro Copic, gives his perspective on this...
BLM’s Miro Copic Comments on the SharkNado Twitter Phenomenon
San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -...
Rebranding Politicians
How can a politician repair a damaged political brand? BLM’s Miro Copic gives advice to San Diego Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham: What Next For Duke Cunningham? San Diego Union Tribune, June 8, 2013 Cuningham Must Decide What's Next After Prison. San Diego Union...