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Pokémon Go: Summer Fling or Brand Bonanza?

July 6, 2016 will be remembered as a fateful day in the marketing world.  July 6 is when Nintendo, game maker Niantic Labs (a Google spin-off) and The Pokémon Company released a new augmented reality (AR) game called Pokémon Go which brings the game of Pokémon to...

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Brand Strategy

Is Brand Storytelling New? We Think Not…

Every brand has a great story that’s just bursting to be told.  ”Storytelling” is the new buzzword in the content/social marketing world.  And there is no shortage of resources out there just waiting to help you tell that story – advertising agencies, public...

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Brand Strategy

$5M for a 30-second Super Bowl Spot?

As another Super Bowl fast approaches, the media pundits and others are once again somewhat incredulously pointing out how expensive it is to run an ad on the Super Bowl. BTW, it is a record $5M for a 30-second spot for Super Bowl 50! And the familiar follow-up...

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Brand Strategy

Black Friday is Dead….Long Live Black Friday!

It’s been a long time coming – the redefinition of Black Friday. Since retailers started opening on Thanksgiving, the air has gone out of Black Friday. Last year, the Black Friday weekend was a bust with flat sales and fewer consumers out shopping on Friday. Why?...

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