Building the Right Marketing Team to Win
Marketing Director, Marketing Manager, Chief Marketing Officer, Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Specialist – all marketing roles you’ve either served in or heard of, but have you ever thought about how they fit together to build an effective marketing team?...
A Rebranding Blooper Story: Bold Moves Without a Strategy
It’s well known in the business world, at least by those who pay attention, that repeating past successes does not guarantee future success. Sometimes it can be a disaster. Elon Musk’s current nightmare at Twitter offers a perfect example. Musk acquired Twitter...
Introducing the BottomLine Marketing “Brand Guru” Blog
Gurus are acknowledged leaders or chief proponents in dealing with matters of fundamental concern. Guru’s are also teachers and mentors. We love marketing (of which branding is an indispensable part), but not just marketing for marketing’s sake, but marketing as...
5 Top Reasons Why Brands Fail
What does it mean for a brand to fail, and how do you know when it happens? It’s not an overnight process, unless a company like Enron or Wells Fargo does something so egregious that they destroy all trust in their brand overnight. Instead, it usually happens...
Why Marketing Fails
“Our Marketing Isn’t Working!” is a phrase (exasperation?) heard way too frequently throughout the halls of corporate America in organizations large and small, for-profit and non-profit, across all industries. Why is this? Are the tools available to marketers...
The Marketing Funnel – Why It Matters!
OK, show of hands…who out there is using a marketing funnel to help establish their marketing objectives and to focus their marketing activities? We certainly hope all the hands went up, but we’re consistently amazed at how many marketing professionals don’t truly...