by BLM | Dec 28, 2018 | News + Events
Miro Copic, Co-Founder of BottomLine Marketing talks to KGTV 10’s John Horn about the impact of Sears potentially being liquidated and how the brand got to where it is. (ABC 10 / KGTV 12/28/18)
by BLM | Dec 26, 2018 | News + Events
BottomLine Marketing’s Co-Founder Miro Copic talks about the impact on post-Christmas holiday returns on traditional and online retailers. Historically, post-Christmas returns are the heaviest of the year. This presents both problems and opportunities for...
by BLM | Dec 23, 2018 | News + Events
BottomLine Marketing’s Co-Founder Miro Copic discusses how local accessory company STM Brands can successfully continue their expansion and not fall into trap of expanding their target market too broadly and focus on products that won’t take them to the next...
by BLM | Dec 17, 2018 | News + Events
Is the emergence of another craft beer something the industry needs? BottomLine Marketing’s Miro Copic discusses the plan for Harland, a new craft beer from the founders of St. Archer’s. He reviews their plan to make a big splash in the craft beer category and...
by BLM | Dec 17, 2018 | News + Events
BottomLine Marketing’s Miro Copic discusses Apple’s expansion plans in San Diego and around the country as well as the psychology of discounts during the holiday shopping season. (KPBS News – 12/14/18)
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